Week 7: Engaging Your Customers - FaceBook Strategy-7 likes

For this weeks assignment I chose 7 FB pages, here they are and why I picked the ones I did.


I chose Put on Love Designs because she sells beautiful diffuser bracelets, which I do not sell, but this means her customers use oils and could be potential customers of mine as well.



Modern Makerie and Southern Charm Quilting make hand sewn bags and goods for essential oils and essential oil accessories. Again, I do not sell these things but our customer has a common interest (oils) so they could be my potential customers too.



Astro Barn Designs and Blooming Rae Designs are actually similar to mine but not similar. They sell roller bottles, but different looks and styles then mine. I liked their pages because their customers clearly already like roller bottles so they are definitely potential customers.



The Rhinolution and YLeduactation pages popped up as suggested, these pages do not sell anything per say, but they are influential and have followings of people already using essential oils, there for popping up as a suggested page to essential oil users and lovers would be very beneficial and be the perfect target market.

Popping up as suggested when anyone likes any of these pages is great because they are including my target market and people who already like to shop and use oils. So its a win win!


  1. I like how you liked pages with similar target markets, it's a great approach to take when building your reputation online!


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